
enter image description here

for some reason i just randomly cant move my curve on the y axis when in edit mode. i have tried scaling it and i looked up and down the settings but being new i didn't find anything any help is welcome, i even restarted blender and nothing changed.

if you want to project to look around here it is



1 Answer 1


Your curve is scaled to zero on the y axis.


The quickest way to solve that is to apply scaling for the object, wich will reset the scaling to 1 – with the curve keeping its shape of course.

To do that, go into object mode, hit Ctrl+A and select either Apply Rotation & Scale or Apply Scale

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks you so much worked great. saved me a lot of time redoing the curve $\endgroup$
    – Majorkamo
    Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 19:12

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