This selects all sound strips in meta strips and mutes them
import bpy
context = bpy.context
scene = context.scene
se = scene.sequence_editor
sounds_in_meta_strips = [s for ms in se.sequences_all if ms.type == 'META'
for s in ms.sequences if s.type == 'SOUND']
for s in sounds_in_meta_strips:
# mute the sound
s.mute = True
Extended to append a toggle button to the Sequencer Header.
import bpy
from bpy.props import BoolProperty
def mute(self, context):
se = self.sequence_editor
sounds_in_meta_strips = [s for ms in se.sequences_all if ms.type == 'META'
for s in ms.sequences if s.type == 'SOUND']
for s in sounds_in_meta_strips:
# mute the sound
s.mute = self.mute_meta_strips
def draw_button(self, context):
scene = context.scene
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(scene, "mute_meta_strips", toggle=True)
bpy.types.Scene.mute_meta_strips = BoolProperty(name="Mute Sounds in Metas", default=False, update=mute)