I'm trying to get and set the vertex colors of a mesh through a python script. However, the script seems unable to find the vertex color data, claiming the data set has length 0 despite that clearly not being the case.
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format='(%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s',)
obj = bpy.context.edit_object
mesh = obj.data
if not mesh.vertex_colors:
logging.debug("Mesh had no vertex colors, adding them")
color_layer = mesh.vertex_colors.active
if len(color_layer.data) > 0:
i = 0
for poly in mesh.polygons:
for idx in poly.loop_indices:
color_layer.data[i].color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
i += 1
This is the console output:
(MainThread) bpy_struct, Mesh("Cube")
(MainThread) bpy_collection1, LoopColors
(MainThread) 0
Here is my mesh, which very clearly has a non-zero list of vertex colors:
Anyone knows what's happening?