Okay, I recently did a computer update. I used to run Blender 2.77 on a Dell desktop (5 GB RAM, 2.7 GHZ, Windows 8, build in graphics card). Since that computer wasn't fast enough for my preference, I saved up and got a new gaming laptop - the Asus ROG GL552 (Windows 10, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M with 4 GB DDR5 RAM, 2.6-3.5 Ghz, and quad-core intel processor). That laptop has been known to have outdated drivers, so when I got it, I updated it to up to date Windows 10 drivers.
As soon as I started Blender, I immediately noticed its speed. Even doing simple things, like clicking buttons, or rotating the view with the middle mouse button, took too long to register in the program. I tried changing some User Preference System settings, but that didn't really help much. And the hardware seems to be fine - the render is lightning fast (renders the startup scene in under .1 second; it's just laggy when loading the uv screen), so I don't know why it's like this, or what to do. Also, I ran Blender 2.77 on this computer, and it was also slow (although it was fine on my previous computer).
It could be an issue with drivers perhaps (or maybe OpenGL?), but I ran Unreal Engine 4, and had none of the same issues - the speed was pretty decent on that; so I'm not sure why Blender would be so slow. Any help is appreciated - thanks guys!