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Blender Automatic Weights: It's grabbing more mesh then it should?

When I use automatic weights when parenting a model and armature, it works but there's an issue where it seems to grab more "mesh" around it. For example, when I rotate the left leg to test if it's been rigged properly, the leg moves but so does part of the right boot(it stretches and follows the movement of that leg)

Another example is the braids I've rigged, except instead of following another limb/the wrong bone, they stay in place when I move the character's midsection(plus the eyes also stay in the same place but I'm not going to worry about that now)

Does anyone else experience this issue with automatic rigging? If I were to change the model's default pose from the classic "T" pose to one that looks like a jumping jack and try it, would that help or not?

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