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How to avoid drawing an UIList item in draw_item?

I have an UIList drawing a collection of items. When those items have a property (bool) draw_in_ui set to False, I would like to avoid it from drawing in draw_item() function: I thought about ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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Properties don't show up on panel [duplicate]

I was following this tutorial to make a simple calculator in blender (v3.3.1), my code is almost if not completely identical to that of the recording but unlike the tutorial's mine does not seem to ...
Daniel Fernández's user avatar
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Setting the Default Value of a Float Property Dynamically

I am updating the active object's location.x with a FloatProperty with the following code. How can I change the value of the FloatProperty slider to the active_object's current location.x when the ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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Connecting an Operator with a Panel Float Slider

I have a very basic question about Operators and Properties. I can't wrap my mind around how I'd make a Float slider in a Panel that affects a selected object in the 3D view as I drag it in real time. ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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Custom/dynamic tooltips when hovering over properties in the UI

I recently found out about the great "Paint Palettes" addon that comes with Blender but one thing that I really would have liked to see implemented is useful tooltips like name and/or values ...
Joey's user avatar
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How do you access the object that a PointerProperty points to?

I have created a PointerProperty so that I can specify a target object that I want a my script to act on, but I can't seem to find any information about how to actually use the pointer property once I ...
Stef's user avatar
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Where did my properties interface/panel go?

(Not the one you get when you key N), the one that has all the texture/world/material properties. I was in edit mode trying to press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C but messed up and now the panel is just ...
Peek Utch You's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create a simple list in the UI with Python API that would display data from Python?

I've been writing scripts for Maya and 3Ds Max, now I'm trying to learn Python API of Blender. So I'm not a beginner in scripting for such applications, but I'm a total beginner in scripting for ...
Kowalski Paweł's user avatar