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Custom/dynamic tooltips when hovering over properties in the UI

I recently found out about the great "Paint Palettes" addon that comes with Blender but one thing that I really would have liked to see implemented is useful tooltips like name and/or values ...
Joey's user avatar
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Connecting an Operator with a Panel Float Slider

I have a very basic question about Operators and Properties. I can't wrap my mind around how I'd make a Float slider in a Panel that affects a selected object in the 3D view as I drag it in real time. ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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Where did my properties interface/panel go?

(Not the one you get when you key N), the one that has all the texture/world/material properties. I was in edit mode trying to press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C but messed up and now the panel is just ...
Peek Utch You's user avatar