I have a script to create an image but i want it to be created with transparency:
import bpy
bpy.data.images.new("albedo", width=1024, height=1024)
It depends on what you are actually asking:
If you need ot create an RGBA image, so an image that also has the Alpha Channel. (So a RGBA type instead of the normal RGB). Just Check ALPHA when you create it via UI or in code:
bpy.data.images.new("albedo", width=1024, height=1024, alpha = True)
If you want the default color to be instead of black any other color so even one with some transparency, this is the fastest way I found:
im = bpy.data.images.new("albedo", width=1024, height=1024, alpha = True)
im.generated_color = (1,0,0,0.5)
This code actually generates a Red image half transparent.