need to be defined. eg scene.myprop
is not available to scripts until it is defined via bpy.types.Scene.myprop = bpy.props.BoolProperty()
It is however saved, once set in a file, and the set value can be retrieved once defined again.
Type Casting
Properties defined using bpy.props are type cast, and expect a value of that type, or are converted
>>> C.scene.my_prop = 1
>>> C.scene.my_prop
>>> C.scene.my_prop = "XXXX"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<blender_console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: Scene.my_prop expected True/False or 0/1, not str
Custom props
scene["my_prop"] = 1
scene["my_prop"] = "XXXX"
bpy.props are defined for all objects of that blender type, for your example scene.my_prop
will be available to all scenes, whereas scene["myprop"]
only for the scene instance it is defined on. I choose custom props for more "one off" usage.
Update Method
An update callback method is available to bpy.props properties. This is a very useful tool, that is not available to custom properties. Similar to using an "on_change" event handler.
def jangle(self, context):
print("update called on scene ",
# do something based on the value of "my_prop"
if self.my_prop:
print("It's on")
print("It's off")
return None # always return None from an update.
bpy.types.Scene.my_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(update=jangle)
both can be decorated in the UI, to some extent. To add a name and description to each.
bpy.types.Scene.my_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="My Property",
description="This is my bpy.props boolean prop")
and for custom props
rna = {"name": "My Property"
"description": "This is my custom boolean prop",
# can also store other data that can be set by script
# and used as a driver var
"anyolthing": 13
scene["my_prop"] = False
if "_RNA_UI" not in scene.keys(): # keys() returns a list of id props
self["_RNA_UI"] = {}
# define the UI propeties of "my_prop"
self["_RNA_UI"]["my_prop"] = rna
note the rna_ui dictionary can have self defined property names, as long as the data type is int, float, bool, string. They will not effect the UI, but are a handy way to store "hidden" data. The rna dictionary is a handy way to update the min and max and description on a per property basis, to make descriptive and effective visual sliders for instance.
rna Access
Once a custom property is set, the property name will be a member of the, in this case, scene.keys()
list, or as name/value pairs in scene.items()
All bpy.props properties will be available via
but only in the scene.keys()
list once initialized, ie given a value other than the default.