blender 2.9 I have a custom object properties that need to be copied to ~1000 objects. I have done some research and using the script editor I am able to assign IDs to all of the objects and get a list of the properties I need to assign, however, I am a novice to python and I am stuck there.
Of course if there is an better way (addon?) to copy custom properties to multiple objects
Any help would be appreciated
Here is the script I used to assign the ids:
import bpy
objs = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.selected
numb = 1000
for obj in objs:
obj["ID"] = str(numb)
numb = numb + 1
for obj in bpy.context.view_layer.objects.selected:
obj.select_set(state = True)
These are the custom properties I need to add:
Shake_Influence - 5.0
Shake_locX - 1.0
Shake_locY - 1.0
Shake_locZ - 1.0
Shake_rotX - 1.0
Shake_rotY - 1.0
Shake_rotz - 1.0