The Laplacian Lightning Generator addon broke with some recent API changes, as reported in this bug.
Attempting to enable it results in this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/blender/2.68/scripts/modules/", line 294, in enable
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/usr/share/blender/2.68/scripts/addons_contrib/", line 117, in <module>
scn = bpy.context.scene
AttributeError: '_RestrictContext' object has no attribute 'scene'
As it was only some API changes that broke this, I assume (also from looking at the error) that this might be a fairly trivial problem (I'm inexperienced with python, so that might be a false assumption)
Are there a few simple changes I can make to get this addon working?
I know it works to run it in the text editor, however I would like to be able to use it as an addon without having to re run it every time I start blender.