So recently I have been trying to create an addon for the video sequencer so that I can automate some of the common tasks I do. One of the operators I plan to make requires the mouse to be over the sequencer preview so that it's position can be used. However I can not get a keymap to work in the sequencer preview. To test if this was a problem with the function I made an empty operator with and invoke function to create a pop up when it was called. Even then the keymap for it did not work when I tried it with the preview window. Due to this I believe the problem is probably with the keymap creation but I could be wrong. This is my code for creating the keymap:
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
km ='Preview', space_type='SEQUENCE_EDITOR', region_type='PREVIEW')
kmi =, type='J', value='PRESS', shift=True)
I have used this key combo before for testing and so I don't believe the problem with it. Additionally I have tried changing the space_type and region_type with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
I have been referencing this page of the documentation while trying to figure out the problem.