
I'm just getting started with bpy and I wish to know how can I execute the addon below from the console.

# hello_world.py
bl_info = {
    "name": "Hello World",
    "category": "Object",
import bpy
class HelloWorld(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Print in the System Console"""
    bl_idname = "object.hello_world"
    bl_label = "Hello World"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}

    def execute(self, context):
        print("Hello, world!")
        return {'FINISHED'}

def register():

def unregister():

I tried:

import hello_world
hello_world = hello_world.HelloWorld
>>> <class 'hello_world.HelloWorld'>
>>> <function HelloWorld.execute at 0x0000009F05C576A8>

But it did not really execute. Whatever if it is a print function or an object translation it did not execute. What am I doing wrong?

I can execute the script from the space bar, typing the label Hello World but I wish to call a variable from an addon and use it in a different addon. Thanks!


2 Answers 2


But it did not really execute.

Based on my understanding of Blender, an operator cannot be directly executed. It should be called from Blender internal.

Try bpy.ops.object.hello_world() Where hello_world is the name you registered to Blender system using bl_idname.

More details if you are interested:

When a request of operator invoking is arrived, Blender internal(the source code looks like a factory) will create an Operator instance dynamically, and call your execute function there. You should not call it yourself IMO.

but I wish to call a variable from an addon and use it in a different addon

In your case I think you may want to have some utility functions shared with other addons. I suggest to write these utility functions as normal Python function and pass the context to it from your addons.


If you need to run something in console programmatically then you have to override context to 'CONSOLE' area, then you will be able to call bpy.ops.console.execute():

console_area = next(area for area in bpy.context.screen.areas if area.type == 'CONSOLE')
override = bpy.context.copy()
override['area'] = console_area
override['region'] = next(region for region in console_area.regions if region.type == 'WINDOW')
with bpy.context.temp_override(**override):

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