Well, this is awkward, I just figured it out. I had looked at an answer to a similar question here, but having no experience with scripting, I thought I wouldn't know how to adapt it to my needs. Turns out that after looking at some basic python tutorials, I managed to write a script that, while not very elegant, definitely works. Here's the script in question:
import bpy
letter = 'A'
def handler_set_filepath_based_on_frame(scene):
if scene.frame_current == 1:
letter = 'A'
if scene.frame_current == 2:
letter = 'B'
if scene.frame_current == 3:
letter = 'C'
if scene.frame_current == 4:
letter = 'D'
if scene.frame_current == 5:
letter = 'E'
if scene.frame_current == 6:
letter = 'F'
if scene.frame_current == 7:
letter = 'G'
if scene.frame_current == 8:
letter = 'H'
if scene.frame_current == 9:
letter = 'I'
if scene.frame_current == 10:
letter = 'J'
scene.render.filepath = ("/tmp/NAME%s0#" % letter)
I'll likely will never need to render more than 10 frames or so. So manually defining a variable for each isn't that much of a hassle.
Here's the answer from which I based my script off of.
Changing filename format based on current animation frame?