I am trying to move an object using coordinates from a CSV file. The file is written by one python script and then read by a script in blender. Below is the script written to read the file in blender and move the object.
import csv
import bpy
shufflecsv_path = '/Users/Josh/Documents/shuffle.csv'
with open(shufflecsv_path) as file:
shufflecsv = csv.reader(file, delimiter=",", quoting =
for row in shufflecsv:
bpy.data.objects['Object'].select = True
bpy.data.objects['Plane'].select = False
# row is a list with strings elements so must be converted in float
x, y, z = -float(row[0]), -float(row[1]), -float(row[2])
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(x, y, z))
print(x, y, z)
Below is the output of blender when I run the script.
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.15565, 13.5708, -1.47311), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.18565, 14.1581, -1.47311), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.15565, 14.1581, -1.47311), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.15565, 13.5708, -1.47311), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.18565, 14.1581, -1.47311), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
You can see that the output window shows the location of the object should be each of the coordinates, but the object is not at the expected final point.
I have found that when I run the script, the object is moved to a final point that turns out to be the sum of the first three x, y, and z coordinates of the csv file. Any insight, help, or code snippets to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
to be moved globally by (n, n, n) from its original global location. Is this not the case? $\endgroup$