
I am getting above error when trying to obj.ray_cast() from a copy of an object:

obj = bpy.data.scenes[0].objects["Sphere"].copy()
is_hit, hit_loc, hit_normal, index = obj.ray_cast(localA, localB)

I figured out this was due to objects being linked. Making object data single user solved this issue. However, I need to keep it linked. Is there a way to keep objects in linked state and still use the ray_cast() function?


1 Answer 1


You need to link the object to the scene and update it for ray casting to work.

import bpy, mathutils

obj = bpy.data.scenes[0].objects["Cube"].copy()
# Insert your new object in the scene
# Update scene

is_hit, hit_loc, hit_normal, index = obj.ray_cast(mathutils.Vector(), mathutils.Vector([1,1,1]))

print(is_hit, hit_loc, hit_normal, index)


True <Vector (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000)> <Vector (0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000)> 5

You might need to delete the object after your operation

del obj

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