I am writing an addon to help me manage my multi-file addons.
Its coming along really nicely, but I want it to work no matter what .blend file I have open, so I have it save each project's data to an xml file.
Not knowing that it wouldn't work, I had the panel call two functions, one to update the files for the project, and one to update the xml file. So whenever the UI updated the two functions were called. But I changed something in the 2nd function that actually changed a value in blender and it wouldn't let me because you can't edit blender data from a UI context.
So here is my question: What is the best way to continually update my list based on this external XML file. I really don't want a UI button to update from xml if possible.
Also, if there is a way for the two functions to be run whenever Blender opens that would work as well.
) $\endgroup$