I would like to set many render settings from a text file. The file looks like this:
# Comment
bpy.context.scene.eevee.use_gtao = True
@ bpy.context.scene.eevee.gtao_distance = 3
I read this file as a text file and split and process each line. (Ignore comments or do special functions on numeric values which are preceded with a @ sign).
I'm still not "fluent" in Python so I don't quite understand how to use the list what I get for each line.
If I enter bpy.context.scene.eevee.gtao_distance = 3
in the script window in Blender it works but how do I use key and value (from the list) to set the actual rendering properties this way?
is only a string from my list, how do I make it an actual property which I can assign a value?