Can anyone help me confirm this is a bug, or possibly just something I might be doing incorrectly? It may also be the lack of a feature I'm assuming exists.
The problem is that add-on preferences only seem to get auto-saved when they are not within a property group branch. To replicate it, set this simple scenario up. You may already have something close enough - the properties do not need to be Boolean.
class PrefsSub(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
SkipTestB : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Skip Test B" )
class PrefsMain(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
bl_idname = "PROJECT_NAME"
SkipTestA : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Skip Test A" )
sub : bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=PrefsSub)
def draw(self,context):
area = self.layout.column()
area.prop(self, "SkipTestA")
area.prop(self.sub, "SkipTestB)
- Open Blender and Add-on preferences, modify
Skip Test A
, then close/open Blender. TheSkipTestA
state should remain intact, indicating that the property was automatically saved. - Open Blender/prefs, modify
Skip Test B
, close/open Blender. If you encounter the same issue, the property does not get saved. Is this a bug? - If you open Blender/prefs, then modify
Skip Test A
andSkip Test B
, then close/open Blender, both properties appear to be saved.
It seems as if the auto-save triggering feature breaks down on property groups. Is this a known issue? And are there any workarounds for it? If this does not normally happen, can anyone guess something I may be doing incorrectly to cause it?
Really appreciate any knowledge about this. I have my preferences setup to use multiple property groups because I didn't realize this happened until it was too late. I can probably flatten the hierarchy, but would prefer to not do that if possible.
Edit: Some info and possible solution
- Forcing a root preferences value (
) to change when a property group value (
) changes does not trigger an auto-save. - In fact, programmatically altering root preference values does not seem to trigger an auto-save at all. Which would mean states stored in prefs won't get automatically saved unless the user modifies a root preference value using the UI within the same Blender session.
- When a root preferences value is modified by the user through the UI, Blender will save all add-on preferences on exit - even those in property groups.
My current solution is to add update functions to all preference properties, and have the update function setbpy.context.preferences.use_preferences_save = True
.- The solution I'm going with at the moment is to set
bpy.context.preferences.use_preferences_save = True
when my add-on starts up. Read about this state here: . According to documentation, setting this to True will trigger modified preferences to be saved on exit. In my opinion, it seems like this should always happen. - If anyone can think of a better solution, please let me know! I personally do not like forcing this value to be
on every Blender execution, but it seems like the simplest solution. I guess the best solution would be to avoid property groups altogether in preferences, and to only trigger an auto-save when procedurally changing preference properties internally. But since my add-on does this every time it executes, it makes sense to do it the lazy way.
and registration. Haven't noticed this behaviour. $\endgroup$