Try this to batch load a list of images in a folder:
import bpy
from os.path import join, isfile
from os import listdir
imageObjects = []
imagePath = '/users/you/yourImagePath'
imgFiles = [
join( imagePath, fn ) # Create full paths to images
for fn in listdir( imagePath ) # For each item in the image folder
if isfile( join( imagePath, fn ) ) # If the item is indeed a file
and fn.lower().endswith(('.png','.jpg')) # Which ends with an image suffix (can add more types here if needed)
# Load entire list of images
for imgFile in imgFiles:
# Add to image object list to use later
imageObjects.append( imgFile ) )
# Load a specific index from the list (5th in the list in this example)
imgObj = imgFiles[4] )