
I'm stuck with an issue which is actually solved in the documentation of Animation Nodes here but as I'm still learning python I can't find the error.

This expression should append elements to a list after a condition:

[filas.append(x) for x in list if x == sector_name]

But as in the docs is explained the return will be none we have to add the list created like this:

[list.append(element), list][1]

but I can't figure out how to write my expression correctly, please some help.


2 Answers 2


The list comprehension you have will return a list of None, instead you want the actual list filas after the appending was done. The documentation describes the case where you append a single element, so all you have to do is replace the first element of the dummy list with your list comprehension as follows:

[[filas.append(x) for x in list if x == sector_name], filas][1]

Note, however, that such expression is not required, you can use a normal list comprehension as follows:

[x for x in list if x == sector_name]

Lists can be joined with "+": So you make a new list (list comprehension) with all the x for which the condition is True and simply add it to the existing list.

filas + [x for x in list if x == sector_name]

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