Duplicate Mesh Outline
Have a mesh to be outlined:
shift+d to get a copy of the object and the mesh (give it appropriate names)<u><t>
ut: Make Single User "Materials + Tex", to get separate materials (give them appropriate names)<tab>
tab enter edit mode- select all vertices
alt+s fatten the mesh e.g by 0.1. The resulting mesh should be larger than the original.- w +
<w> + flip normals
to make the faces show inside <tab>
tab to leave edit mode
As the outline should have an "aura" effect, I suggest to chose a shadeless material with "Add" Alpha. The color should be pretty dark. Otherwise it will hide the background too much.
This results in a semi-transparent "glowing" effect.
While it looks strange in the preview the game engine will show you a nice outline.
PS: Thanks to Satish Goda (youtube) I know now how to enable backface culling. Therfore I suggest following additional settings:
- parent the hover to the original object
- make the hover unselectable
- in Properties enable
Shading/Backface Culling
This is the effect. Now you can think about logic that switches it on and off.
Hint: you can even fade it by playing material actions.
I hope it helps