I opened an old large project I worked on as a newbie and I wanted to clean up a batch of objects, removing excess faces, edges, vertices as well as fixing the normals. In order to copy the cleaned object to another location (replacing another object and in the provided example another column support), I need to figure out how 2 separate objects in 2 separate displayed locations is showing the same location, orientation, scale and origin.
I noticed this anomaly when I tried to link my corrected object with a incorrectly modeled object. Selecting SupportOnly.005 object then shift selecting SupportOnly.004 then pressing Ctrl+L then Link Object Data as per:
Is there any way to replace an object?
Maybe not necessary for non-coders but here's python code on how I found out both objects had the same above data:
import bpy
active_object = bpy.context.active_object
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
print("Selected objects:")
for item in selected_objects:
print(f" Location: ({item.location.x}, {item.location.y}, {item.location.z})")
print(f" Orientation: ({item.rotation_euler.x}, {item.rotation_euler.y}, {item.rotation_euler.z})")
print(f" Scale: ({item.scale.x}, {item.scale.y}, {item.scale.z})")
print(f" Origin: ({item.matrix_world.to_translation().x}, {item.matrix_world.to_translation().y}, {item.matrix_world.to_translation().z})")
and this is the result
Selected objects:
Location: (-0.0012478828430175781, 0.0014386177062988281, 0.0)
Orientation: (0.0, -0.0, -0.00023472122848033905)
Scale: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Origin: (-0.0012478828430175781, 0.0014386177062988281, 0.0)
Location: (-0.0012478828430175781, 0.0014386177062988281, 0.0)
Orientation: (0.0, -0.0, -0.00023472122848033905)
Scale: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Thanks for any help or tips.
Example file download:
Example Model: