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Slct th txt objctSelect the text object, thnthen right click nd hovrand hover your mous ovr 'convrtmouse over 'convert to' then click mshmesh(fterafter doing this you an't chgecan't change your txt nymortext anymore). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.If you think it is separated too much just join the letters by selecting them and pressing CTRL+J.

Slct th txt objct, thn right click nd hovr your mous ovr 'convrt to' then click msh(fter doing this you an't chge your txt nymor). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.

Select the text object, then right click and hover your mouse over 'convert to' then click mesh(after doing this you can't change your text anymore). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.If you think it is separated too much just join the letters by selecting them and pressing CTRL+J.

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Select the text objectSlct th txt objct, thenthn right click and hovernd hovr your mouse over 'convertmous ovr 'convrt to' then click meshmsh(afterfter doing this you can't changean't chge your text anymoretxt nymor). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.If you think it is separated too much just join the letters by selecting them and pressing CTRL+J.

Select the text object, then right click and hover your mouse over 'convert to' then click mesh(after doing this you can't change your text anymore). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.If you think it is separated too much just join the letters by selecting them and pressing CTRL+J.

Slct th txt objct, thn right click nd hovr your mous ovr 'convrt to' then click msh(fter doing this you an't chge your txt nymor). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.

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SlctSelect the txt objcttext object, thnthen right click and hovrhover your mousmouse over 'convrt'convert to' thnthen click mshmesh(ftrafter doing this you cn't chngcan't change your txt nymortext anymore). SlctSelect your msh thnmesh then go into dit modedit mode. Prss to slct llPress A to select all, thn prssthen press P ndand click on 'By loos prts'loose parts'.It will sprt th lttrsseparate the letters into individul mshsindividual meshes and you can sclscale the lttrsletters individually in your txttext.If you think it is sprtdseparated too much just join the lttrsletters by slcting thmselecting them and prssingpressing CTRL+J.

Slct the txt objct, thn right click and hovr your mous over 'convrt to' thn click msh(ftr doing this you cn't chng your txt nymor). Slct your msh thn go into dit mod. Prss to slct ll, thn prss P nd click on 'By loos prts'.It will sprt th lttrs into individul mshs and you can scl the lttrs individually in your txt.If you think it is sprtd too much just join the lttrs by slcting thm and prssing CTRL+J.

Select the text object, then right click and hover your mouse over 'convert to' then click mesh(after doing this you can't change your text anymore). Select your mesh then go into edit mode. Press A to select all, then press P and click on 'By loose parts'.It will separate the letters into individual meshes and you can scale the letters individually in your text.If you think it is separated too much just join the letters by selecting them and pressing CTRL+J.

deleted 39 characters in body
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added 98 characters in body
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