I got started on a project early January. The job was to model silicon baby products using reference images he sent and make them look like they were professionally taken in a studio.
I completed the job successfully, but now he wants to use the models I made and have them manufactured and turned into real silicon products and have them mass produced. He asked if I thought my models would meet the technical specifications to use them produced at a factory.
He wasn't sure if Blender was something like CAD software and I'm not sure either, but I have read that you can create the products in Blender to have them 3D printed, but I'm not too sure this is the same thing.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how thisHow is this done. Is? Is Blender enough, do I need some plug-in that will help meet all the specifications, or is this something more suited for CAD software? He's talking about mass production, so I don't want to mess this up! If aIf more specialized CAD software is needed, is it easy to pick up for a Blender user, and is there an easy one to start of with?
Any advice or resources would greatly be appreciated!
Thank you!