You basically have to enable a new Pie menu Addon (official released with Blender 2.72). Once you have enabled this addon, you can start creating your own Pie menus. Some Basics are documented in the Blender Wiki, see: Creating Pie Menus and Coding Pie Menus
I am not sure how to extract the essentials here. So instead of copying the documentation hereBelow you find a complete, i just leavebriefly commented and fully working mini example addon. Just place the linkscode below into a file named
and then Install/Enable this python file as a regular Addon.
- The name of the file is not important, however the appendix '.py' is essential to mark this as a python file.
- You do not need to enable the "Pie Menus Official" Addon in order to get your own Pie menus to work properly!
Begin of the code:
bl_info = {
"name": "My Pies",
"author": "My Name",
"version": (1, 1, 0),
"blender": (2, 72, 0),
"description": "My Pie menu",
"category": "Object" }
import bpy
from bpy.types import Menu
# Implements an edit mode selection pie
class VIEW3D_PIE_template(Menu):
# label is displayed at the center of the pie menu.
bl_label = "Select Mode" # Appears as Pie title
bl_idname = "mesh.mypie" # Used to refer (see below)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
pie = layout.menu_pie()
# operator_enum will just spread all available options
# for the type enum of the operator on the pie
pie.operator_enum("mesh.select_mode", "type")
addon_keymaps = [] # Store keymaps to use in unregister()
def register():
Now define a keyboard shortcut:
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
km ="Mesh") #For Mesh Edit Mode
#Open the pie when you press CTRL SHIFT E:
kmi ="wm.call_menu_pie", 'E', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True)"mesh.mypie"
addon_keymaps.append((km,kmi)) # Store keymap
def unregister():
#use stored keymaps to unregister
for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
if __name__ == "__main__":