Thanks, guys.I had to register again hence I lost my mail_password. so I can add the answer for now rather than comment. I have been testing the changes that sambler proposed.Now I get an error in the console
Traceback >Most recent call last>: File "", line54, in File "",line47, in register Name Errror:mame menu_func is not defined
Here is the code I used
I also tried using bpy.utils.register_class(OBJECT_OT_addSubmarine)
to register unregister but I get the same error in console.
Thanks Chris.I fixed that.I put menu item also in register. now I just get one in the console that is line 43, in menu_item NameError:<name "yellowsubmarine" is not defined IAlso tried to write it either way as was suggested self.layout.operator(mesh.addsubmarine.bl_idname, text="yellowsubmarine", icon="PLUGIN") if I interpret well what I had to do, but still the same error in line 43. This is the error that I get in console. here is the last code I used trying to make the changes also in line 43