The bl_context
class variable defines what mode the drawn property appears in, e.g. bl_context=posemode
makes whatever drawn via the draw
method appear only in the pose mode. What if we want the property to appear in both objectmode
and posemode
, and what are the values for other modes, like: particle edit mode
, vertex paint mode
, sculpt mode
EDIT: I'm setting up a panel for rigging, here's the full code:
import bpy
class RigUI(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = 'POSE_PT_RigUI'
bl_label = "Rig Controls"
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_context = "posemode"
bl_category = CUSTOM_CATEGORY
#bones in use
head = "head"
neck = "neck_bone"
hip = "hip"
rib = "rib"
shoulder_L = "shoulder.L"
upper_arm_FK_L = "upper_arm_FK.L"
forearm_FK_L = "forearm_FK.L"
hand_FK_L = "hand_FK.L"
shoulder_R = "shoulder.R"
upper_arm_FK_R = "upper_arm_FK.R"
forearm_FK_R= "forearm_FK.R"
hand_FK_R = "hand_FK.R"
thigh_FK_L = "thigh_FK.L"
shin_FK_L = "shin_FK.L"
foot_FK_L = "foot_FK.L"
toe_FK_L = "toe_FK.L"
thigh_FK_R = "thigh_FK.R"
shin_FK_R = "shin_FK.R"
foot_FK_R = "foot_FK.R"
toe_FK_R= "toe_FK.R"
elbow_pole_IK_L = "elbow_pole.L"
hand_IK_L = "hand_IK.L"
forearm_viz_IK_L = "forearm_viz.L"
elbow_pole_IK_R = "elbow_pole.R"
hand_IK_R = "hand_IK.R"
forearm_viz_IK_R = "forearm_viz.R"
knee_pole_IK_L = "knee_pole.L"
knee_viz_IK_L = "knee_viz.L"
foot_IK_L = "foot_IK.L"
knee_pole_IK_R = "knee_pole.R"
knee_viz_IK_R = "knee_viz.R"
foot_IK_R = "foot_IK.R"
#group bone for convienience
groups = {
'isolate_head' : ['head', head, neck],
'isolated_torso': ['rib', hip, rib],
'pivot_slide' : ['hip', hip, rib],
'isolate_left_arm' : ['upper_arm_FK.L', upper_arm_FK_L, forearm_FK_L, hand_FK_L, shoulder_L],
'isolate_right_arm' : ['upper_arm_FK.R',upper_arm_FK_R, forearm_FK_R, hand_FK_R, shoulder_R],
'isolate_left_leg' : ['thigh_FK.L', thigh_FK_L, shin_FK_L, foot_FK_L, toe_FK_L],
'isolate_right_leg' : ['thigh_FK.R', thigh_FK_R, shin_FK_R, foot_FK_R, toe_FK_R],
'switch_IK/FK_left_arm' :['hand_IK.L', elbow_pole_IK_L, hand_IK_L, forearm_viz_IK_L, upper_arm_FK_L, forearm_FK_L, hand_FK_L],
'switch_IK/FK_right_arm' : ['hand_IK.R', elbow_pole_IK_R, hand_IK_R, forearm_viz_IK_R, upper_arm_FK_R, forearm_FK_R, hand_FK_R],
'switch_IK/FK_left_leg' : ['foot_IK.L', knee_pole_IK_L, knee_viz_IK_L, foot_IK_L,thigh_FK_L, shin_FK_L, foot_FK_L, toe_FK_L],
'switch_IK/FK_right_leg' : ['foot_IK.R', knee_pole_IK_R, knee_viz_IK_R, foot_IK_R, thigh_FK_R, shin_FK_R, foot_FK_R, toe_FK_R],
def is_selected(self, names, selected_bones):
"""Returns whether any of the named bones are selected"""
if type(names) == list:
for name in names:
if name in selected_bones:
return True
elif names in selected_bones:
return True
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
#row = layout.row()
pose_bones = context.active_object.pose.bones
#this excetion handler is redundant
selected_bones = [ for bone in context.selected_pose_bones]
if context.active_pose_bone not in selected_bones: selected_bones.append(
except(AttributeError, TypeError):
layout.prop(context.scene, "global_view")
#print("The context type is: ", type(context))
#print("In draw function")
if context.scene.global_view:
for property in self.groups.keys():
bone_assoc = self.groups[property][0]
required_prop = '["{}"]'.format(property)
layout.prop(pose_bones[bone_assoc], required_prop, slider=True)
#print("bpy.types.Scene.global_view", bpy.types.Scene.global_view, type(bpy.types.Scene.global_view))
for property in self.groups.keys():
cur_bones = self.groups[property][1:]
bone_assoc = self.groups[property][0]
required_prop = '["{}"]'.format(property)
if self.is_selected(cur_bones, selected_bones):
layout.prop(pose_bones[bone_assoc], required_prop, slider=True)
#print('in second view')
class RigLayers(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = 'POSE_PT_RigLayers'
bl_label = "Rig Layers"
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_context = "posemode"
bl_category = CUSTOM_CATEGORY
bone_groups ={
'Root bone': 0,
'FK bones': 1,
'IK bones': 2,
'Facial bones':3,
'Manual spine':14
#control_layers = [0,1,2,3,14]
#total_layers = 32
# def dctv_other_pose_lyr(self, bone_layer):
# """deactivate layers except bone_layer"""
# for i in range(0,self.total_layers):
# if i!=bone_layer:
#[i] = False
def draw(self, context):
column = self.layout.column() #items are placed under each other in a column
#column.prop(context.scene, "switch_mode")
contexts = []
#if context.scene.switch_mode==False:
for item in self.bone_groups.keys():
column.prop(, 'layers',
toggle=True, text=item,
# else:
# for item in self.bone_groups.keys():
# column.prop(, 'layers',
# index=self.bone_groups[item],
# event = lambda item: self.dctv_other_pose_lyr(self.bone_groups[item]),
# toggle=True, text=item)
class facial_exp(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = 'FACE_PT_RigUI'
bl_label = "Facial controls"
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_context = "posemode"
bl_category = CUSTOM_CATEGORY
def draw(self, context):
pose_bones = context.active_object.pose.bones
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.L"], '["angry.L"]', slider=True)
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.L"], '["sad.L"]', slider=True)
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.L"], '["surprise.L"]', slider=True)
layout.label(text=" ")
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.R"], '["angry.R"]', slider=True)
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.R"], '["sad.R"]', slider=True)
layout.prop(pose_bones["eyebrow.R"], '["surprise.R"]', slider=True)
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.global_view = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Toggle Global View",
description = "toggles all sliders irrespective of selection",
default = True)
# bpy.types.Scene.switch_mode = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
# name = "Toggle Switch Mode",
# description = "toggles A radio button behaviour",
# default = False)
Now, this generates a panel, somewhat like this:
Now, everything's nice and handy but, I want the "Facial Control" panel to appear both in posemode
, edit mode
, object mode
and sculpt mode
, and as you have seen in the code, this to my knowledge is controlled by the bl_context
parameter, but, if the panel is to appear in all these modes, what should I set the bl_context
parameter to?