I am still gnawing stubbornly on the concept "dump active object to python script," and gathering snippets that I think can be glued together into the tool I want. But one piece of the puzzle still eludes me. I would like to find out, for any property of an object, what its default value is. I think if I were more familiar with Blender and/or Python this might be a no-brainer, but despite googling around a bit I still haven't found the clue. If someone can throw a small snippet my way that shows how to discover the default value of some property such as, say, Diffuse Intensity, I think I can generalise to other cases.
2 Answers
To get all the default values of all properties defined on the context object. Using the RNA (bl_rna) will apply to all objects in blender.
import bpy
context = bpy.context
obj = context.object
for prop in obj.bl_rna.properties:
if hasattr(prop, "default"):
default = prop.default
print("%s (%s) default:" % (prop.identifier, prop.name), prop.default)
# check arrays
if getattr(prop, "is_array", False):
default_array = [p for p in prop.default_array]
print("default array", default_array)
current_value = [p for p in getattr(obj, prop.identifier)]
print("current value", current_value)
print("is default value", current_value == default_array)
Also have a look at 2.78/scripts/modules/rna_xml.py
which creates xml from blender objects.
More specifically to access the default value of a given property on a given object, you can use something like this :
import bpy
def get_default(holder, prop_name):
prop = holder.bl_rna.properties[prop_name]
if prop.default_array:
return [v for v in prop.default_array]
return prop.default
if __name__ == "__main__":
bpy.types.Scene.test = bpy.props.IntProperty(default=5)
bpy.types.Scene.test_array = bpy.props.IntVectorProperty(default=(5, 6, 7))
scene = bpy.context.scene
print(get_default(scene, "test"))
print(get_default(scene, "test_array"))