Im trying to set the blend_mode
property of a GPencilLayer
in the setter of an EnumProperty, so, when that enum changes, also changes the GPencilLayer's blend_mode
Modifying this @Karan's answer in a previous question:
(This will only work if a GreasePencil object is active (it takes its first GPencilLayer)).
import bpy
from bpy.types import Panel, PropertyGroup
from bpy.props import *
def get_layer0():
class CUSTOM_PG_property_group(PropertyGroup):
def get_blend_mode(self):
return self.get("blend_mode", "REGULAR")
def set_blend_mode(self, value):
layer_value = ""
if value == 'REGULAR':
layer_value = "REGULAR"
value = 0
elif value == 'HARDLIGHT':
value = 1
layer_value = "HARDLIGHT"
elif value == 'ADD':
value = 2
layer_value = "ADD"
elif value == 'SUBTRACT':
value = 3
layer_value = "SUBTRACT"
elif value == 'MULTIPLY':
layer_value = 'MULTIPLY'
value = 4
elif value == 'DIVIDE':
layer_value = "DIVIDE"
value = 5
self["blend_mode"] = value
layer0 = get_layer0()
print(f"{layer_value = }")
print(f"{type(layer_value) = }")
# layer0.blend_mode = "ADD" # This works!
# None of these works: (WHY???)
# layer0.blend_mode = layer_value
# layer0.blend_mode = value
# layer0.blend_mode = str(layer_value)
# layer0.blend_mode = {layer_value}
setattr(layer0, "blend_mode", layer_value)
blend_mode : EnumProperty(
name = "Blend Mode",
description = "TODO add description",
items = (
("REGULAR", "Regular", ""),
("HARDLIGHT", "Hardlight", ""),
("ADD", "Add", ""),
("SUBTRACT", "Subtract", ""),
("MULTIPLY", "Multiply", ""),
("DIVIDE", "Divide", ""),
get = get_blend_mode,
set = set_blend_mode,
default = "REGULAR",
class HelloWorldPanel(Panel):
bl_label = "Hello World Panel"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_hello"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Test"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
custom = context.scene.custom
layout.prop(custom, 'blend_mode')
classes = (
def register():
for cls in classes:
bpy.types.Scene.custom = PointerProperty(type=CUSTOM_PG_property_group)
def unregister():
for cls in classes:
del bpy.types.Scene.custom
if __name__ == "__main__":
I can't understand how some of the commented code do not work. The only thing that works is setting the blend mode to a constant value. But if this value comes from a variable, it just don't work.
I tried the same code in Blender's console:
layer0 =[0]
a_blend_mode = "ADD"
layer0.blend_mode = a_blend_mode
And it works perfectly. But when is called the same from the setter, it doesn't.
of theEnumProperty