I've got 2 properties. My first:
hT = EnumProperty(items=(('A', "None", ""),
('B',"LeMans 40", ""),
('C',"LeMans 45", ""),
('D',"LeMans 50", ""),
('E',"LeMans 60", "")),
default='C', name="Hardeware type")
My second:
fW = IntProperty(name="Width",
default=838, min=800, max=2700, description="Furniture width")
My first property is for choosing the hardware of my furniture. Each hardware needs a minimum dimension of its furniture. So, for example, if I choose "LeMans 60", the "default" and "min" value of my second property need to change to 998.
Is it possible to do that or do I need to create a property with its own default, min and max value ?