I can get an item in my CollectionProperty using index. Like this:
item = context.scene.my_collection_prop[index]
But how to change the item's index? I want to put the item into index=0.
Use my_collection_prop.move(item_index, target_index)
, it let's you place a collection item (specified via its index in the current collection) to an arbitrary position in the collection.
In a collection with 3 items, you would call move(2, 0)
, to put the last item on top of the list. The other two items remain in order, there's no swapping of the source and target item:
import bpy
bpy.types.Scene.coll = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=bpy.types.PropertyGroup)
coll = bpy.context.scene.coll
coll.clear() # in case you re-run this script, empty the collection
# item 0
item = coll.add()
item.name = "First"
# item 1
item = coll.add()
item.name = "Second"
# item 2
item = coll.add()
item.name = "Third"
for i, item in enumerate(coll, 1):
print("{}. {}".format(i, item.name))
coll.move(2, 0)
for i, item in enumerate(coll, 1):
print("{}. {}".format(i, item.name))
1. First
2. Second
3. Third
1. Third
2. First
3. Second
, which is somewhat an internal type and does indeed not appear anywhere in the documentation. If you register a collection property however, you may call dir(…)
on an instance (if registered on bpy.types.Scene
, for example bpy.context.scene
) to see all properties and methods: ['__doc__', 'add', 'clear', 'move', 'remove']