So, I had to play with this until I solved it in the basic mathematical sense. So, here's a solution that will work for a pair of edges that really intersect, and it will also edd a vertex at the intersection point.
To activate, select the intersecting edges and run the script.:
- Open a text editor window and create a new text file.
- Paste the code from below there.
- Select the intersecting edges.
- Press Run Script.
import bpy, bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
globCo = lambda co, o: o.matrix_world * co
def find_intersection( edges, o ):
# Calculate global locations of edge verts
p1, p2 = [ globCo(, o ) for v in edges[0].verts ]
p3, p4 = [ globCo(, o ) for v in edges[1].verts ]
v1 = p2 - p1 # Edge 1 line vector
v2 = p4 - p3 # Edge 2 line vector
# Calcualte intersection
# Based on paramteric line equation: (x,y,z) = p0 + t * lineVec
numer = v2.y * ( p3.x - p1.x ) + v2.x * ( p1.y - p3.y )
denom = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x
t1 = numer / denom
co = Vector( [ getattr( p1, i ) + t1 * getattr( v1, i ) for i in 'xyz' ] )
bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = co
return co
o = bpy.context.object
if o.mode == 'EDIT':
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( )
edges = [ e for e in bm.edges if ]
if len( edges ) == 2:
co = find_intersection( edges, o )
# Split edges and add new vert to newly created edges
for e in edges:
p1, p2 = [ globCo(, o ) for v in e.verts ]
fac = ( co - p1 ).length / ( p2 - p1 ).length
bmesh.utils.edge_split( e, e.verts[0], fac )
# Remove doubles
bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode( type = 'VERT' )
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all( action = 'SELECT' )
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )