I'mI'm relatively new to Blender and trying to put together a simple little animation which in a simplistic way goes as follows.
A pre drilled hole is reamed to size so that the hole is one size before the reamer goes through and I want to see the material get removed in an "accurate way".
Currently I can only get the material to be removed by the Boolean modifier in the locations where the reamer currently is. Not where it has already been as well.
I'd be happy to provide more info, but if anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great. Additionally the "accurate" setting under boolean hardly seems to work, as every other frame it makes my workpiece completely disappear from the viewport and render, so instead I'm just using "fast" for now.
Another important aspect is that reamers have flutes of sorts and so it spins removing only a portion of that cross section at a time.