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When played the path-follower will want to track the cam's shape acuratelyaccurately, but as the cam (path) also has to rotate, things can get sticky.

When played the path-follower will want to track the cam's shape acurately, but as the cam (path) also has to rotate, things can get sticky.

When played the path-follower will want to track the cam's shape accurately, but as the cam (path) also has to rotate, things can get sticky.

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Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the (invisible) cam-path's perimeter. See the last 2 pics below.

Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the (invisible) cam-path's perimeter. See the last 2 pics below.

Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the cam-path's perimeter. See the last 2 pics below.

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Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the (invisible) cam-path's perimeter. See the last 2 pics below.

As you no longer need the curve, it can be converted to mesh - That's done by firstly using a plane converted to a curve and that used to 'Bevel' the path. (cam) Bevelling Beveling produces an acuratelyaccurately shaped rectangular pipe - a duct of sorts, and importantly with uniform thickness.

It's inner (or outer) vertices are then removed so you end up with cam shaped walls but no top or bottom. (like a vertical cylinder without end caps) Go to Edit mode and fill those in.

Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the (invisible) cam-path's perimeter.

As you no longer need the curve, it can be converted to mesh - That's done by firstly using a plane converted to a curve and that used to 'Bevel' the path. (cam) Bevelling produces an acurately shaped rectangular pipe - a duct of sorts, and importantly with uniform thickness.

It's inner (or outer) vertices are then removed so you end up with cam shaped walls but no top or bottom. (like a cylinder without end caps) Go to Edit mode and fill those in.

Because the (yellow) cam-follower's outer vertice is set as it's Origin Point, and that in turn parented to the invisible Path follower, (the rectangle Empty) the (yellow) cylinder is automatically held (more or less) against the (invisible) cam-path's perimeter. See the last 2 pics below.

As you no longer need the curve, it can be converted to mesh - That's done by firstly using a plane converted to a curve and that used to 'Bevel' the path. (cam) Beveling produces an accurately shaped rectangular pipe - a duct of sorts, and importantly with uniform thickness.

It's inner (or outer) vertices are then removed so you end up with cam shaped walls but no top or bottom. (like a vertical cylinder without end caps) Go to Edit mode and fill those in.

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