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Introductions Hello, I'm a brand new blender newbieuser... For my tinyI'm working on a little project, I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely that's entirely made up of Python scripts. But I'm having trouble turning an octagon into a circle right now ( I do know that adding vertices would make it better, but is there wasanother way, perhaps something like a problemcode that resembles a subdivision modifier?)... Please assisthelp me with my queryproblem...

My Question I'd likeIs scripting subdivision modifier applicable? Can you show me how to turndo it with my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, andcode if so, howit is possible?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)


Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project, I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)


Introductions Hello, I'm a brand new blender user... I'm working on a little project that's entirely made up of Python scripts. But I'm having trouble turning an octagon into a circle right now ( I do know that adding vertices would make it better, but is there another way, perhaps something like a code that resembles a subdivision modifier?)... Please help me with my problem...

My Question Is scripting subdivision modifier applicable? Can you show me how to do it with my code if it is possible?

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)

deleted 22 characters in body
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Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project due on October 10,2021 I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)


Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project due on October 10,2021 I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)


Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project, I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)

edited body; edited title
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Making a HexagonOctagon into a Circle using python scripts

Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project due on October 10,2021 I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my hexagonoctagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="hexagon""octagon")

object ="hexagon""octagon", mesh)


Making a Hexagon into a Circle using python scripts

Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project due on October 10,2021 I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my hexagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="hexagon")

object ="hexagon", mesh)


Making a Octagon into a Circle using python scripts

Introductions Hello, I'm a blender newbie... For my tiny project due on October 10,2021 I'm now learning how to construct 3d things using solely Python scripts. But there was a problem... Please assist me with my query...

My Question I'd like to turn my octagon into a circle using solely "Python scripts"... (Does subdivision apply here, and if so, how?)

Here is my code

import bpy

verts = [(0,1,0), (0.29,1.70,0), (1,2,0), (1.70,1.70,0), (2,1,0), (1.70,0.29,0), (1,0,0), (0.29,0.29,0)]

faces = [(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]

mesh ="octagon")

object ="octagon", mesh)

added 48 characters in body
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Robin Betts
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