First see this and compare it with your code:
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
# call this only once
# it adds vector attribute to all Object entities
bpy.types.Object.vector = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty()
# design your callback function like this
def test(scenes):
# select the group
for obj in['Würfel'].objects: = True
# apply rotation
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=True, scale=False)
# store the locations
for obj in['Würfel'].objects:
loc = obj.location
obj.vector = Vector((round(loc[0], 0), round(loc[1], 0), round(loc[2], 0)))
If you do a test call with test(bpy.context.scene)
everything will be fineit should execute without errors.
If you do
it will also work fine on every frame change.
When the objects go into render pipeline the transformations are already 'set/converted' so there is really no data to transform in the pre_render handler.