Edit (Better understanding of OP)
If you check 'Bounds'show the internal triangulation for rendering by using a Wireframe node, you can see that the (non-planar) quads are indeed triangulated in opposite directions:
..(and here the Object tab > Viewport Display panelshipped add-on Measureit has been used to help you spot itshow vertex indices at a reasonable size.)
I've found that can be flipped by CtrlT manually triangulating with a real, editable edge, selecting the appropriate direction, 'Fixed' for 1st and hit
3rd vertices, 'Fixed Alternate' for 2nd and 4th:
Then AltCtrlHX in Edit ModeLimited Dissolving the new edge, setting the angle high enough to unhide all elementslose it:
After that, the hidden vertex is revealed..internal triangulation appears to follow the hint:
.. and you get good ol' Z-fighting between the coincident faces, which is what you would expect.