This might work..
It's a script which gets as close as I can to inverting the Simple Deform > Bend modifermodifier.
It's not very general, and makes some assumptions:
- The Cylindrical version is circular in XY, up in Z.
- That it has a cut gap at min Y around X=0. If there are coincident vertices where the gap is, in the illustration, the result can be usable, but untidy. (Thethe script doesn't know the difference between 0 and 360 degrees).
- The object has all its transforms applied, and its origin is at its XY center
- The cylinder's minimum radius is < 100000 BUnits.
Select the object in Object Mode, and run this:
import bpy
from math import atan2, sqrt
cyl = bpy.context.object
if cyl:
flt = cyl.copy()
me = = me
min_r = 100000float("inf")
for v in me.vertices:
[xx, y,z] z =
r =
theta = atan2(x, y) = (theta, r, z)
min_r = min([rr,min_r] min_r)
for v in me.vertices: *= min_r -= min_r
flt.location.y += min_r
Which should produce a straightened version (green, derived from blue,), scaled and located, ready to be bent back by Simple Deform > Bend.
The Bend modifier uses the bounding box of the straightened object. Because of the gap,the the required bend is not quite 360 degrees. In the example .blend, the match is reached at about 356 degrees.
Lurking Pythonistas / bpyists are welcome to improve or correct the style of this script.