Addon requires a Category
Give an addon a category, for example sake and to match op name have given it the "Object" category, can use anything here, best to stick with those available if possible. IMO this is prob a mesh operator, that adds modifiers to mesh objects
bl_info = {
"name": "DC Mirror",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (2, 90, 0),
"category": "Object",
We assign keymaps to run operators or assign properties. In addon this is "object.dc_mirror", below I've added a keymap to the window such that ShiftCtrlT calls the op.
After assingning it to "object_dc_mirror" notice how the name becomes "DC Mirror", this is confirmation the operator is registered and known to blender
And when run with a mesh object as context. Tip: give the operator a poll method limiting it to only mesh objects.
Consult the docs re adding a keymap via code
Common logic error
Worth mentioning that there is an issue with your addon if run again, it will add a new mirror modifier, but only ever alter the properties of the one having name "Mirror"
Recommend instead
def execute(self, context):
ob = context.object
mm ="Mirror", type='MIRROR')
mm.show_on_cage = True
mm.use_bisect_axis.xuse_bisect_axis[0] = True # x axis
mm.use_clip = True
return {'FINISHED'}