The copy
function really seems to be missing from the Python API. I would suggest to get the bl_idname
of the node, create a new instance in the other node tree and then iterate through the default_values
of the node's inputs and assign them to the new node.
import bpy
def copy_node(node, target_node_tree):
# Get the bl_idname to create a new node of the same type
node_new =
# Assign the default values from the old node to the new node
for key, input in enumerate(node.inputs):
node_new.inputs[key].default_value = input.default_value
return node_new
For instance, if you would have an active object with two material slots, each with filled with a node based material and you would like to copy the Diffuse BSDF node of the first material into the second one, this could be accomplished by the following code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
node_tree = bpy.context.object.material_slots[0].material.node_tree
node_tree_2 = bpy.context.object.material_slots[1].material.node_tree
node = node_tree.nodes["Diffuse BSDF"]
copy_node(node, node_tree_2)
This simplified example doesn't check if the materials actually and nodes actually exist, which should be done in a proper implementation.