Use for storing file paths. Adds a button to the UI property markup, that when used sets the string
to the file path chosen. Option to make it a relative path.
Use for storing directory paths. Adds a button to the UI property markup, that when used sets the string
to the directory path chosen.
AFAICT is for, as the name suggests storing a filename. Filenames cannot
contain certain characters. It doesn't appear to in anyway auto-parse.
The Paint Palettes addon uses the subtype for preset file names. The
following method is used to parse out illegal / invalid chars.
def as_filename(name): # could reuse for other presets
for char in " !@#$%^&*(){}:\";'[]<>,.\\/?":
name = name.replace(char, '_')
return name.lower().strip()
Stores the string as a utf-8 encoded byte string. Equivalent of
Displays asterisks (*) when input is typed in the UI. Stores the string as entered.
Default. None of the above.
and the result of setting all to "xxxxxx" in the panel written to system console. Plus my explanation of what they do as a comment
FILE_PATH xxxxxx # adds a button to select file from filebrowser
DIR_PATH xxxxxx # adds a button to select folder from filebrowser
FILE_NAME xxxxxx # not sure??
BYTE_STRING b'xxxxxx' # gives a bytecode representation of string
PASSWORD xxxxxx # hides the input as asterisks
NONE xxxxxx # default is just a string nothing more nothing less.
The 'FILE_NAME' option AFAICT is for, as the name suggests a filename. Filenames cannot contain certain characters. It doesn't appear to in anyway auto-parse. The Paint Palettes addon uses the subtype for preset file names. The following method is used to parse out illegal / invalid chars.
def as_filename(name): # could reuse for other presets
for char in " !@#$%^&*(){}:\";'[]<>,.\\/?":
name = name.replace(char, '_')
return name.lower().strip()