Freestyle is natively supported in cycles as of this commit (will be in 2.72). This means that you can do exactly as in Utas's answer, but without the extra scene/renderlayer.
Original answer:
You could try using this node setup, it works with composite nodes and is render engine independent.
Here is an example render:
Here are some other methods I thought of:
Method one:
You can get outlines by using the index passes:
Enable the Material Index pass in Renderlayers > Passes:
Create a new material and set the Pass Index in Properties > Material > Settings:
Create the material:
You can then use the pass index to create an outline in compositing nodes:
Note that a limitation is that overlapping objects will not have lines between them:
This can be worked around by using the object Index for each object individually, however for large scenes this is probably too tedious.
Method two:
Another way is with the Filter node:
Repeat steps 1-3 from method one.
Enable the Normal pass in Render layers > Passes:
Use the normal pass to create lines, then limit the lines with the material index pass: (click for full size):