I get the error
line 60, in return_rotation
TypeError: bpy.struct.keyframe_insert()
property "constraints["FollowPath"].offset_factor" not found
I really dont get what should be the problem and was hoping you guys could help out.
This is the code:
import bpy
import re
import os
import math
import linecache
cube = bpy.data.objects['Cube'] # defining the cube (TestObject)
armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature'] # Defining the armature
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = armature # Selecting the armature
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE') # Setting the mode to POSE
footBone = armature.pose.bones['foot'] # Defining the footBone (the big one)
toesBone = armature.pose.bones['toes'] # Defining the toesBone (the small one)
footBone.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' # Set rotation mode to Euler XYZ, easier to understand
toesBone.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' # Set rotation mode to Euler XYZ, easier to understand
# insert a keyframe
def file_len(fname): # A function which returns the number of lines in a file.
with open(fname) as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
numberOfLines = file_len('somestuff\Python Test/usedata.csv')#Getting number of lines - 10 to be safe, but safe limit will be removed later.
steps = 1/numberOfLines # How much, is needed to be increased in the followPath modifier, given that only one cycle is needed.
cube.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor = 0 #Setting offset to 0, Todo find the right offset. Find how much a cycle is.
def return_rotation(start_value, end_value):
steps = 1 / (end_value-start_value) # this ensures a complete cycle when all the lines are read
counter = 0 # This is the frameNumber
i = start_value # The line number from which to start reading from
while i < end_value: #end_value is the line to be read to
line = linecache.getline('somestuff\Python Test/usedata.csv', i).split(',') # fetching a single line
# setting rotation angles. It only accepts radians, hence the conversion.
angleX = math.radians(float(line[0]))
angleY = math.radians(float(line[1]))
angleZ = math.radians(float(line[2]))
# TODO: check if toesBone is under the floor
# Rotate Bones
footBone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis('X', angleX)
footBone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis('Y', angleY)
footBone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis('Z', angleZ)
# keyframe everything
footBone.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler" ,frame = counter) #Insert rotation keyframe
footBone.constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor += steps # increasing offset factor
The problem
footBone.keyframe_insert(data_path= 'constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor', frame = counter) # Keyframing the offset factor.
End of problem
# Checking if the offset_factor is above 1 or below zero, and correts this
if(footBone.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor >= 1 or footBone.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor < 0):
footBone.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor = 0
cube.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
cube.rotation_euler[0] += angleX
cube.rotation_euler[1] += angleY
cube.rotation_euler[2] += angleZ
cube.keyframe_insert(data_path='rotation_euler',frame = counter)
cube.constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor += steps #Stepping through cycle
cube.keyframe_insert(data_path= 'constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor', frame=counter) # Keyframing the offset factor.
#Checking if the follow path cycle is above one. Might be removed, if not using offset_factor from 0-1 but instead -99999 - 99999
if(cube.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor >= 1 or cube.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor < 0):
cube.constraints['Follow Path'].offset_factor = 0
i += 1
counter += 1