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AJCDFIN's user avatar
AJCDFIN's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • OH-IO
4 votes

Rigging an umbrella-like object

2 votes

Verify if model is ok for 3D Printing?

1 vote

How to attach an animated object to a rig?

1 vote

Why does this NLA strip have no action, and how do I fix it?

1 vote

how to remove block effect from bump node with textures

1 vote

How to animate a curve in pose mode?

1 vote

Crane Lever Rigging

0 votes

Is there a way to connect two bones to one?

0 votes

World Space in transformation constraint not working as expected

0 votes

Generate Curve from Motion Path of a Bone (to animate steering of a fork lift)

0 votes

Why can't I extrude a Nurbs curve along a nurbs path

0 votes

Why do measurements change when switching from Global to Local in edit mode?

0 votes

Limited bone doesn't rotate on a plane

0 votes

Why is my mesh not fully taking the location constraint serious?

0 votes

Wheel Rotation Driver

0 votes

Sequenced Bone Movement with IK

0 votes

Is it possible to combine spline IK for the body and regular IK for limbs?

0 votes

Array modifier's coord. system

0 votes

Weird Copy rotation constraint behavior

0 votes

Why does a Wave Texture not follow a rig?

-1 votes

How to make physically accurate silver in Cycles?

-2 votes

Create animated textures in time with the music in blender 2.81

-2 votes

Custom Properties value in Animation Nodes