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B.Y.O.B.'s user avatar
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B.Y.O.B.'s user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
9 votes

Getting an imported object's name

7 votes

Object not rendering correctly from a distance

5 votes

Is it possible to update a StringProperty as it's being typed?

5 votes

where is transparent view in luxrender

5 votes

Why does an update function loop when string property is reset?

4 votes

Python UI: How to load an image from drive and select it?

4 votes

Temporarily disable add-on UI property update callback

4 votes

Refraction quality is lower in rendered image than in the viewport preview

3 votes

GPU Rendering with LuxRender - Where is SLG Path OpenCL option?

3 votes

How to use the new render pass API for an external renderer?

3 votes

How disable/enable an Output File Node from python?

3 votes

Get the transform matrix for each frame

3 votes

Is there a node in Lux with a similar function as Cycles' Fresnel and Layerweight nodes?

3 votes

obj.closest_point_on_mesh ValueError: too many values to unpack

2 votes

invoke_props_dialog: callback during change?

2 votes

Volumetric Caustics + HDRI Backdrop

2 votes

Luxcore noisy render

2 votes

Is there a way to script for Lux to work on original nodes?

2 votes

Move texture import script in node editor to a node category

2 votes

Using new PointerProperty with custom property

1 vote

Change User preference properties via script

1 vote

Creation of Node Setup with python, missing some commands

1 vote

Get Location of Particle Keys with real unit size

1 vote

Adding/removing items to CollectionProperty in PropertyGroup and UNDO

1 vote

What's the best way to build a GUI for non-blender users to control materials?

1 vote

Can i access Object ID's properties using keys (like in dictionary)?

1 vote

How do NodeSockets determine if a link between them is possible?

1 vote

Trying to change modifier properties through script

1 vote

Is there a way to hide the cycles shader node when using my own render plugin?

1 vote

Why am I getting an OpenCL driver error with BlendLuxCore when I'm rendering using CPU only?