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piegames's user avatar
piegames's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
19 votes

How do i copy material from one .blend file to another?

14 votes

What is the difference between Sobol and Correlated Multi-Jitter sampling patterns?

7 votes

How do you add a thin outline?

6 votes

How do I permanently add materials to Blender using Cycles?

5 votes

Create image effect in Cycles as FNAF / video noise effect

5 votes

Move object array along curve

5 votes

Render depth maps with world-space z distance with respect the camera

4 votes

Mirror Lamps on x axis

4 votes

Minimum number of samples for the Branched Path Tracing

4 votes

How to combine low sample renders?

3 votes

How can I turn the frames rendered by blender in an animation into a video?

3 votes

How to reduce artifacts on curved text/vector

3 votes

Blender How can I extrude a cylinder outward

3 votes

How can I automatically render a preview when the scene has changed?

2 votes

Fog glow and motion blur in cel shading

2 votes

Particles height adjusment

2 votes

How to make distorted grid lettering?

2 votes

Blurring/Feathering a Procedural Pointiness Mask

2 votes

How the Fresnel effect works and how to construct Physically-Based shaders in Blender?

2 votes

How can I build a model out of hexagons? (honeycomb effect)

2 votes

Creating a Liquid Bubble Effect

2 votes

BGE. Is it possible to create transparent plane with blur filter?

2 votes

How can I make a object follow perfectly a nurb path?

2 votes

How can I prevent blender from doing ridiculously large calculations?

2 votes

Blender True displacement option not available

1 vote

VSE editing different frame rates

1 vote

Import large model file into Blender

1 vote

Positioning of Particles

1 vote

Blender cycles glow on transparent background

1 vote

How do I mirgrate all image textures to a different folder?