I'm new to Blender and Python, but I've been programming since 1978, first on a COSMAC ElfII (1802 assy.), then on 6502, 6800, 8080/Z80, and 8088/86. I've also had some experience with Basic, Forth, Fortran IV/77, About 1986 I started using C and later, C++, which I now prefer for most things. I worked for a big corporation for 31 years, mostly doing C and C++.
A While back I built a CNC woodworking mill to carve guitar parts (I'm also a luthier). So most of my programming in the last 15 years has been for improvements on that. Right now I'm in the midst of moving my CAD designs from Rhino to Blender, and I am writing an export function in Python so I can continue to use my designs with my CAM software, which I wrote in C++ over the last 15 years.
While I can't offer much expertise to others in Blender or Python, I might be of some help in other areas and in general programming practice.