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Could you perhaps explain a bit more how a collection property is used for this? I have used them some but not seeing how. I need the object selection eyedropper to remain next to each new field created and have add/remove buttons so the user can remove them/add them as they wish. I tried creating a for loop that would duplicate the pointer properties based on how many objects are selected but the panel can only display the prop by it's indentifier which I am not sure how to make that change based on the name or index of the object.
I assume you meant bpy.context.selected_objects not I tried changing it to that and I still seem to get told there isn't an action/none type error. I have also created a panel with an action list so you can see the actions without opening the action editor. For some reason when I try to use selected_objects the action doesn't become active or "in the slot" unless I click on on an item/action in the action list but if you just are trying to change it for one armature and only one selected using "if bpy.context.active_object in" it updates properly
I will check into this. It seems from what I've found that some operators may only be designed to work in certain windows. Maybe this will work though still. I did find that test_group ='testGroup', 'ShaderNodeTree') will create a custom node group no matter what view you're in but it doesn't create it from the selected nodes or anything just a generic group. This would work fine except I need to then append or insert the existing nodes of the active material into newly created group in order to have a group made from the active material's nodes.