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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Modeling refers to the process of creating 3D objects or entities using a 3D modeling application. This tag is used for anything related to modeling including techniques, tools and tips.
Python is an object-oriented programming language. In Blender, it is used as a general purpose scripting language and to create add-ons to extend Blender's functionality.
The action of turning a scene into an end product such as an image or movie. If your question is specific to one render engine, please use its respective tag (cycles, eevee, blender-internal, etc).
10889 questions
for questions or issues pertaining to animation and Blender's animation system.
Cycles is a ray tracing render engine that can be used to achieve photo realistic results in Blender. It was introduced officially in 2.61. Use this tag for any Cycles related posts.
A mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, (composed of a connection between two vertices), and faces (composed of 3 or more connected edges). Meshes are the most commonly used object type in Blender.
Questions relating to Blenders texturing tools and texturing techniques.
Questions pertaining to creating materials for Blender Internal and Cycles. Materials are used to define the way an object will interact with light for rendering.
Questions concerning scripting in Blender using the Python programming language. Also use this tag for questions about scripting in OSL (Open Shading Language).
Modifiers are automatic operations that affect an object in a non-destructive way. Use this tag for questions pertaining to modifiers and their usage inside of Blender.
Rigging is the process used in computer animation, particularly in the animation of characters, to efficiently mimic real world skeletal systems for animation purposes. Use this tag for questions abou…
UV mapping is the process of taking a three-dimensional mesh (X, Y and Z coordinates) and unwrapping it to a flat two-dimensional image (U and V coordinates), in order to texture the 3D model with 2D …
for questions regarding Geometry Nodes, a modifier added to Blender in version 2.92 to manipulate geometry in a Blender scene.
Questions relating to Blenders node editor. The node editor is used for non-destructive texture and material editing; for geometry node editing and for post-processing/compositing.
Questions related to any kind of object. (mesh, text, curve, etc.)
The viewport (also known as the 3D view) is where the user interacts with most 3D elements of the scene. Use this tag for questions related to the viewport.
A shader is a computer program that is used to do shading, texturing, special effects or post-processing. Shader nodes specifically refer to the nodes used to create shaders for Cycles, but this tag c…
An armature is a system of bones used for animating or deforming a mesh. Use this tag for questions pertaining to armatures.
Questions pertaining to a group of particles which can be used to simulate a system of chaotic objects(known as particle systems). Particle systems in Blender are robust and full of settings.
Questions pertaining to Blender's user interface, such as theming, scripting and operating the interface.
Use this tags for questions about operations performed on objects when they are in edit-mode, rather than any of the other modes, such as object , sculpt and weight painting.
Questions involving export-compatibility with other graphics software. Exporting involves converting Blender-native file into an external file type, for the purpose of editing or viewing that file in …
An add-on is a python script or plugin created to expand Blender's functionality. There are many add-ons in the official builds of Blender, and with every new version comes new add-ons.
Bones are the individual sections of an armature that are used to deform the mesh. Bones act like other objects (they have properties and can have constraints) but are invisible in the render.
A Curve is an object that is expressed in terms of mathematical functions, rather than as a series of points such as vertices. Use this tag for any questions pertaining to the "Curve" Object type in b…
The camera is an object which defines a point of view in 3D space for the context of rendering. The camera also has settings for depth of field (DoF) and other effects/settings real cameras have.
A vertex (plural vertices) is the point where two or more edges intersect. Used to manipulate the shape of a mesh in Edit mode.
Questions pertaining to Blender's internal physics or the Game Engine physics.
EEVEE is a GPU based realtime engine for the viewport implemented for Blender version 2.8, using industry standard PBR (physically based rendering).
The (BGE) Blender Game Engine (discontinued, blender 2.41 - 2.79) allows you to create interactive 3D applications, game prototypes and simulations.
2134 questions
Transforms modify the scale, translation, rotation, and shear of a mesh or object
only for questions related to the render engine; don't use it for questions about Blender's internal code or Python API. Blender Internal (also known as Blender Render, Blende…
2004 questions
Questions related to compositing nodes available for compositing render layers into final renders in the compositor.
Transparency can be anything from an alpha-channel in an image, to shaders in the BGE, to transparency in a material, to the alpha pass in the compositor.
Questions pertaining to 2D images in blender. Use this tag for image textures, baking images, and any other question relating to images.
Questions involving import-compatibility with other graphics software. Importing involves converting an external file type into a Blender file, for the purpose of editing or otherwise manipulating tha…
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